Types of Momentum Events

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Knowledge Seminars

The ISCHP Knowledge Seminars feature a series of presentations on topics and themes related to critical health psychology. These topics include various critical ideas (e.g. social constructionism, post-modernism, feminism, marxism, etc.) and various qualitative and participatory methods of research (e.g. discourse analysis, grounded theory, action research, ethnography, etc.) and their relevance to understanding health and illness, as well as increasing awareness of the social, political and cultural dimensions of health and illness (e.g. poverty, racism, sexism, political oppression, etc.). Such seminar sessions aim to share existing knowledge within ISCHP with members and non-members who are interested in critical approaches to health.

Synergy Events

The ISCHP Synergy Events are one-off sessions organised between ISCHP members, their respective institutions (if applicable), and ISCHP. These events can include the launching of new research centres at universities, the promotion of newly released books related to critical health, new collaborations between ISCHP and non-governmental organisations, and other lectures unrelated to the seminar session. Such events aim to greatly benefit ISCHP in two main ways: 

  • ISCHP members would greatly benefit from the talk, and 
  • the respective centres and speakers can increase their impact and profiles through this synergistic collaboration

If you are interested in proposing and leading one of these events, or if you are interested in presenting at a proposed event, please read the information and fill out the Momentum Event Application Form on the next page.

The working group will review your application and get back to you via email with any questions or clarifications required.